Martiros Sarian.
Dialogue with Eternity
Since the 25yh of December of 2013 the exhibition “Martiros Sarian. Dialogue with eternity” was opened - In december of 2013 the exhibition “Martiros Sarian. Dialogue with eternity” was opened in Matenadaran.
“To soothe, dry up both of the springs
Which the Planter spouted out of the Sensible Eden
So that the Paradise of Benefaction in me
With the Tree of life
Should be watered and may flourish…
Grigor Narekatsi “Book of Sorrow” (Prayer 37, verse 2)
… The exhibition of Martiros Sarian’s works is highly symbolic. Even in his early days as a student of Moscow
College of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, the artist visited Armenia and Matenadaran (at that time it was in Etchmiadzin), saw ancient manuscripts, was amazed by the art of Toros Roslin and other medieval Armenian scribes. The artist received powerful creative impulse which he carried for the rest of his life and developed it in spirit of modern art, in new capacity. Martiros Sarian with the power of his art linked our time with the ancient traditions of Armenian art, put new life and re-embodied the value of lofty timeless values depicted in it.
Master has fulfilled the utmost goal he set himself as far back as in his youth: attained ‘the difficult ease inherent to the great Masters of all times’. The lightness of his style that is often defined by his critics as childishness, primitivism or decorative approach, in fact goes back to the ancient Armenian art thinking. This is the original language of symbols each of those contains universal everlasting values. Amidst them there are also Tree of Life, striving for light and immortality.
The depiction of eternal values of human existence M.Sarian found also in the art of other peoples, as for example in the Egyptian art. The wood mask brought by him from Egypt became in his art the embodiment of the unfading glance from the bottom of millenniums.
November 26 - May 14
M.Sarian’s works of 1968-1972
The exhibition entitled “Before the Sunset” is dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the M. Sarian House-Museum’s opening.
Three landscape paintings and 53 drawings from the museum’s funds and the artist’s family collection are included in the exposition. Sarian’s 30 drawings displayed for the first time together with his repeatedly exhibited famous works and the ones comprising permanent museum’s exposition will be shown at the “Before the Sunset” exhibition. Thus the visitors will encounter here the unknown and striking works of the Master. The works produced by Sarian in the course of his last 5 years of life are included in the exposition – from 1968 to 1972. For all the diversity of the Master’s last series of works, they are united by the light radiated by this wise buoyant and philosopher. It is an enormous world and when plunging in it one can feel the inexhaustible power of the Master who had created one more tale at the end of his life. 53 drawings and 3 painterly masterpieces are inseparable from each other and form a single whole, as a major accord worthy of the great Master.
February 21
A charitable auction in favor of the Martiros Sarian House-Museum
On 21 February in Moscow, in Ararat Park Hyatt the exhibition of Armenian artists titled ‘Masters of the land of legends’ was opened. For the first time from private collections the works of Armenian masters - M.Sarian, E.Kochar, E.Tatevosian, V.Gaifedjian, A.Bashbeuk-Melikian, A.Galents, V.Elibekian, M.Aslamazian, G.Grigorian (Jotto), M.Avetisian, S.Khatlamajian, G.Khachaturian, R.Atoyan, M.Petrosian, Kh. Yesayan, P.Aknouni, S.Galstian, B.Grigorian, R.Khachatrian, A. Unanian were displayed.
The same evening a charitable auction was held where 10 lots were presented including 7 works of Moscow painters’ association “XOLST”, a lot from Sarian family , a special lot from “Sotheby’s” and legendary Armenian cognac from “Ararat” company.
Collected from the auction money was transferred in favor of the M.Sarian House-Museum.
The general director of “Yerevan” magazine - Gor Nahapetian donated the “Portrait of the Actress M. Pastukhova” executed by M.Sarian to the Martiros Sarian House-Museum.
The exhibition and auction were arranged by “Art Gallery Nadjar”, “Art Finance” and “Sotheby’s” supported by Ararat Park Hyatt Moscow, Ararat legendary Armenian cognac of 1887.
May 18
Presentation of the album entitled “Martiros Sarian’s Book Graphics”
Presentation of the album entitled “Martiros Sarian’s Book Graphics”
Foreword and design – Rouzan Sarian, research - V.A.Matevosian, editor-in-chief, Doctor of Philology – Avetik Issahakian.
In this album for the first time the Master’s book illustrations, executed by him starting from mid 1900th to his late creativity period were collected. Sarian designed the works of Armenian, Russian, Persian classical writers, and also Armenian folk tales, Armenian poetry collections, independent journals and yearbooks.
The illustrations are executed in diverse graphic techniques: pencil, Indian ink, watercolor, gouache, tempera. In the present album the little known and until recently unknown works, reproduced for the first time are juxtaposed with Sarian’s well-known illustrations. The main part of the original works forming the album is in the M.Sarian House-Museum, in The National Gallery of Armenia, in the Literature and Art Museum and also in the Sarian family collection and in the collections of private persons. There are also such artworks that came to us only as editions. Nowadays they already are rare books and acquire “second life” in the present album. Book illustration occupies a special place in Sarian’s creativity. His works executed in this ganre happen to be one of the heights of Armenian book graphic arts.