Man is not allowed to look at the Sun… This miracle that gives birth to Man says: “Do not look at me, otherwise you’ll become blind.” And life without eyes means one won’t see or feel.
Fine arts is perceived via human eyes. And the artist being lavishly endowed with Nature to see and consequently to feel, depicts life in all of its beauty in front of Man.
From M.Sarian’s notes
NEWS - 2018
"Saryan and France"
From September 19,
November 14th
"Night of Museums 2018"
Due to International Museum Day and ‘Night of Museums 2018’ event
Martiros Sarian House-Museum presents the following program:
May 18, 2 p.m. - Opening of a new exhibition of M.Sarian’s graphic works.
May 19, 6 p.m. – Concert of A. Khachaturian’s and N. Aslanian’s compositions
Played by string ensemble after G.Ajemian .
7.30 p.m. - Concert of vocal music played by opera soloists, music
of Italian and Armenian composers will be performed.
9 p.m. – Concert of Folk Trio ‘Aleak’
10 p.m. – Show of the documentary – ‘Lusavore’ (Illuminated), dedicated to Martiros Sarian. |
Martiros Sarian is painting flowers: film about the artist and his time
The M.Sarian House-museum will be open on March 1 (Thursday) – the fist day of the Spring.
You are wellcome to the exhibition of Sarian’s only work on glass – ‘Flowers’ that the artist painted in the film ‘Martiros Sarian’ and other materials to the film.
The exhibition will be open till March 7. |
(374 10) 58 05 68